Registracija za Extreme Enduro Lika utrku biti će 21.03.2022. godine u 9:00 h.
Ove godine registracija će biti online, a link će biti istaknut na našoj web stranici: .
Link za registraciju objaviti ćemo 15 minuta prije i na stanicama naših društvenih mreža (Facebook i Instagram) stoga Vas molimo da ih pratite i da se prijavite na vrijeme.
5 days till open REGISTRATION for Extreme Enduro Lika race.
Registration for the Extreme Enduro Lika race will be on March 21st 2022. at 9:00 a.m.
This year the registration will be online and the link will be posted on our website:
We will publish the link for registration 15 minutes earlier on the stations of our social networks (Facebook and Instagram), so please follow them and register in time.