Pripreme za utrku Extreme Enduro Lika 2021 su počele!
Planirani termin održavanja utrke je od 16. do 18. travnja 2021. godine, naravno ako nam dozvoli epidemija bolesti COVID-19 uzrokovane virusom SARS-CoV-2.
Preparations for the Extreme Enduro Lika 2021 race have begun!
The planned date of the race is April 16th to 18th 2021, of course, if the epidemic of COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus allows us.
Poštovani Vozači,
Pripreme za utrku Extreme Enduro Lika 2021 su počele!
Planirani termin održavanja utrke je od 16. do 18. travnja 2021. godine, naravno ako nam dozvoli epidemija bolesti COVID-19 uzrokovane virusom SARS-CoV-2.
Iz prošlogodišnjeg otkazivanja utrke izvukli smo pouku i za ovu godinu pripremili rezervni datum i to od 10. do 12. rujna 2021. godine
Enduro Lika Team već je počeo s pripremama i nastavljamo raditi u nadi da ćemo travanj dočekati u puno boljoj situaciji, da će restriktivne mjere popustiti i da ćemo imati mogućnost putovanja unutar Europske Unije.
Prijave za utrku objaviti ćemo sredinom ožujka ako se situacija popravi i bude moguće održati utrku. U suprotnom, tada ćemo Vas obavijestiti o odgađanju za Jesenski termin od 10. do 12. rujna 2021.
Ove godine svi vozači voziti će s LIVE GPS trekerima i pripremamo još puno novosti, ali više o tome uskoro.
Veliki pozdrav svima, puno zdravlja i nadajmo se da će se sve normalizirati do travnja.
Vaš Enduro Lika Team
Dear Riders,
Preparations for the Extreme Enduro Lika 2021 race have begun!
The planned date of the race is April 16th to 18th 2021, of course, if the epidemic of COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus allows us.
We learned a lesson from last year's race cancellation and prepared a reserve date for this year, from September 10th to 12th 2021.
Enduro Lika Team has already started preparations and we continue to work in the hope that we will welcome April in a much better situation, that restrictive measures will ease and that we will have the opportunity to travel within the European Union.
Applications for the race will be published in mid-March if the situation improves and it is possible to hold the race. Otherwise, we will then notify you of the postponement for the Autumn term, September 10th to 12th 2021.
This year all drivers will drive with LIVE GPS trackers and we are preparing a lot more news, but more on that soon.
Greetings to all, good health and hopefully everything will return to normal by April.
Yours Enduro Lika Team