Poštovani Vozači!
Uslijed pogoršavanja situacije s epidemijom bolesti COVID-19 uzrokovane virusom SARS-CoV-2 i stavljanja Hrvatske na crvenu listu od strane susjednih država (Italija, Austrija i Slovenija) prelasci granice i sama putovanja postali su otežani.
Na taj način organizacija cijele utrke dovedena je u pitanje realizacije obzirom da je većina vozača upravo iz ovih zemalja.
U danoj situaciji primorani smo otkazati utrku Extreme Enduro Lika za 2020 godinu.
Ovo je najteža odluka koju smo morali donijeti u zadnjih 10 godina organiziranja utrka. Od početka ove godine pripremali smo se i za ovu mogućnost iako smo se iskreno nadali da do toga neće doći. Kao i svake godine dali smo sve od sebe da pripremimo stazu, paddock te prilazne puteve najbolje što znamo, radili smo po najvećim vrućinama, doslovno do zadnjeg dana. Nažalost 2020. ipak će ostati zapamćena kao godina kad nije bilo Extreme Enduro utrke u Lici.
Više nema prostora za čekanje eventualnog poboljšavanja situacije jer s 02.09.2020. godine moramo početi s plaćanjima prema našim partnerima i dobavljačima (Hitna služba, Gorska služba spašavanja, ToiToi, najam šume, pehari, brojevi vozača i razni drugi troškovi organizacije) kako bi sve bilo spremno do utrke.
Kao što smo Vam naveli u e-mailovima prijave, uplaćene startnine biti će vraćene u iznosu umanjenom za navedene troškove. Svi Vozači koji su ove godine na listi vozača imati će prioritet kod prijava za utrku u 2021. godini.
Enduro Lika Team zahvaljuje se svima Vama jer ste nam još jednom ukazali povjerenje i prijavili se za utrku u ogromnom broju.
Ostanite zdravi i veseli, a mi ćemo dati sve od sebe da za 2021. pripremimo još bolju utrku.
Extreme Enduro Lika Team
Dear Riders!
Due to the worsening situation with the epidemic of COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the placing Croatia on the red list by neighbouring countries (Italy, Austria and Slovenia) border crossings and travel itself have become more difficult. In this way, the organization of the entire race was called into question because most of the drivers are from these countries.
In the given situation we are forced to CANCELED the Extreme Enduro Lika race for 2020.
This is the most difficult decision we have had to make in the last 10 years of organizing races. Since the beginning of this year, we have been preparing for this possibility, although we sincerely hoped that it wouldn’t happen. As every year we did our best to prepare the track, paddock and access roads to the best of our knowledge, we worked in the hottest weather literally until the last day. But unfortunately, 2020. will be remembered as the year when there was no Extreme Enduro race in Lika.
We can no longer wait for a possible improvement of the situation because we have to start making payments to our partners and suppliers (Emergency Service, Mountain Rescue Service, ToiToi, forest rental, cups, riders numbers and various other organization costs) from 02.09.2020. to get everything ready for the race.
As we stated in the application e-mails, the paid entry fees will be refunded in the amount reduced by the stated costs. All Riders that are on the riders list this year will have priority when registering for the 2021 race.
The Enduro Lika Team thank all of you for trusting us once again and registering for the race in huge numbers.
Stay healthy and happy, and we will do our best to prepare an even better race for 2021.
Extreme Enduro Lika