The eighth edition of Extreme Enduro Lika Race
Osmo izdanje utrke Extreme Enduro Lika održati će se u razdoblju od 11. do 13. rujna 2020 godine.
U ovim neobičnim vremenima mnoga javna događanja su otkazana, pa tako i većina utrka. Međutim, Enduro Lika Team odlučio je organizirati i održati utrku te smo cijelo vrijeme vrijedno radili na organizaciji.
Znamo i vjerujemo da smo svi odgovorni i da ćemo paziti kako na svoje zdravlje tako i zdravlje svih ostalih pa nam poštivanje novih mjera opreza za vrijeme trajanja cijelog događaja neće predstavljati baš nikakav problem.
Prijave za utrku otvaramo 21.07.2020. u 08:00 h!
Ukoliko dođe do pogoršanja situacije s epidemijom bolesti COVID-19 uzrokovane koronavirusom SARS-CoV-2 i novih epidemioloških mjera koje bi onemogućile održavanje utrke otkazati ćemo cijeli događaj i svima vratiti uplaćene kotizacije umanjene za trošak bankovnih naknada.
Vaš Enduro Lika Team
The eighth edition of Extreme Enduro Lika Race will be held during the period 11 to 13 September 2020 year.
In these unusual times many public events have been cancelled including most races. However, the Enduro Lika Team decided to organize and hold the race and we worked hard all the time on the organization.
We know and believe that we are all responsible and that we will take care of our health and the health of everyone else, so respecting the new precautions during the entire event will not be a problem at all.
Registration for the race will be open from July 21st 2020 at 08:00 h!
If the situation with the epidemic of COVID-19 disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 worsens and new epidemiological measures that would make it impossible to hold the race, we will cancel the whole event and return the paid registration fees reduced by the cost of bank fees.
Your Enduro Lika Team