The race starts at 9:00 from the Paddock and will be finished in Paddock as it was last 5 year. First will start Experts and Team drivers and then Veteran class, Hobby regardless of class at times achieved on the prologue ( Owerall results of all klases ). Faster riders go first and then slower. Start will be every 20 seconds one driver, except for Class Team that will start every 20 seconds 1 team. After starting EXPERT and team class will be a break of 15 minutes, and then start the other classes.
Every driver who cut the track will be disqualified as a DNF and the race ended with those checkpoints, which is the last verified before he cut the track. The driver can continue the race, but the result will be his last certified check point before he cut the track. The driver can go back on the track to certified a check point but only without interfering with other drivers that are moving in the direction of the race.
TANK POINT will be in the middle of the course and there will be Water and Red Bull . Each driver is required to provide a canister and fuel for themselves , and the organizer will provide the stickers with your start number for a canister and transport the fuel to the tank Point and return back canisters in the Race Office .
The cans with fuel need to be bring in the Race Office at 8:30 along with the fuel and the label.
The track has 18 CP and CP 18 is the finish line.Each rider has a 6-hour ride from the time he is started. The Team class time is measured buy a slower driver, if in the race one of the drivers from Team give up the team will be listed as DNF (did not finish) and the result will be the last check point that passed both riders . The other rider of Team can continue running the race but with DNF results .
Please try to be patient in the crowds at CP1, just because that the race runs 6 hours, and not 4 hours as it is usual on other races. If you lose a lot of time on the CP1 you will still have enough time to arrive at the Finish.
The track for the classes Hobby and Veterans have parts of tracks specially marked blue and white stripes and with blue markings , and these classes do not go on the hardest parts of track . Riders from EXPERT and Team class CAN NOT use the trail marked in blue or they will be disqualified or will be mark as DNF (did not fiinish) and the result will be the last check point which was certified before he go on hobby parts . If Expert driver by mistake go on the paths for Hobby riders can go back on the Expert track and verify a check point, and in this case will not be disqualified.
Class EXPERT and Team have 2 NO HELP zone in CP2 and CP16 and in these places only rider can help rider and in all other partes on the course is allowed to Help drivers by judges, helpers and spectators.Hobby Class and Veteran do NOT have „NO HELP“ zone and they are allowed to get help in all parts of the track.
On 2 downhills we put DANGER panels, this downhills are very dangerous and we appeal to all riders to get down with extreme caution or to push the bikes down .
Every rider who started the race must return the DRIVERS CARD when he come back to the Box (regardless of whether he finished the race or not) so we could know that all the drivers returned from the track.
All riders must have a mobile phone with them for the race.
Good luck to all and see you at the finish.
Utrka starta u 9:00 iz boxa kao i dosadašnjih 5 godina i startaju prvo Experti i Timovi pa Onda vozači iz klasa Veteran , Hobby bez obzira na klasu po vremenima ostvarenim na prologu. Brži vozači idu prvi pa onda sporiji. Startat će se svakih 20 sekundi po jedan vozač , osim za Klasu Team koja će startati svakih 20 sekundi 1 team odnosno 2 vozača. Nakon starta klase Expert će biti pauza od 15 minuta pa onda startaju ostale klase.
Svaki vozač koji krati stazu će biti diskvalificiran kao DNF i utrku je završio sa onim CP kojeg je zadnjeg ovjerio prije nego je skratio stazu. Vozač može nastaviti utrku, ali rezultat mu je zadnji ovjereni CP prije nego je stazu skratio. Vozač se može vratiti po stazi da bi ovjerio CP ali samo ako pritom ne ometa druge vozače koji se kreču u smjeru utrke.
TANK POINT će biti na sredini staze i tamo će biti Vode i red bull-a a svaki vozač je dužan osigurati kantu i gorivo za sebe , a organizator će osigurati naljepnice sa vašim startnim brojem za kante te prevesti gorivo do tank pointa i vratiti kante nazad kod prijavnice.
Kante sa gorivom je potrebno donesti kod prijavnice u 8:30 zajedno sa gorivom i naljepnicom .
Staza ima 18 CP, a CP 18 je finish line . Svaki vozač ima pravo na 6 sati vožnje od vremena kad je startao. U klasi Team vrijeme se mjeri po sporijem vozaču, u slučaju da jedan od vozača odustane taj Team se vodi kao DNF( did not finish ) i upisuje im se zadnji CP koji su prošli oba vozača. Ukoliko jedan vozač odustane drugi vozač iz Team-a može nastaviti voziti utrku.
Molimo Vas za razumjevanje zbog gužve na CP1 , ali upravo zbog toga se utrka vozi 6 sati, a ne 4 sata kako je to uobičajeno na drugim utrkama. Ako i izgubite puno vremena na CP1 još uvijek ćete imati dovoljno vremena da stignete u Finish.
Staza za klase Hobby, Vetaran je na teškim djelovim posebno označena plavo bijelim trakama i plavim oznakama i te klase imaju obilazak teških djelova. Vozači klase EXPERT i Team klase se nesmiju koristiti stazom označenom plavom bojom jer će biti Diskvalificirani odnosno bit će DNF ( did not fiinish) i za rezultat će im se uzeti zadnji CP koji su ovjerili. Ako Expert ili Team vozač zaluta u Stazu za Hobby vozače može se vratit na Expert stazu i ovjeriti CP, te u tom slučaju neće biti diskvalificiran.
Klasa EXPERT ima 2 NO HELP zone na CP2 i na CP16 i na tim mjestima može samo vozač vozaču pomagati, a na svim drugim mjestima na stazi je dozvoljeno pomaganje vozačima od strane sudaca, pomagača i gledaoca. Klase Hobby, Veteran i Team nemaju NO HELP zone i njima je dozvoljeno pomagati na svim djelovima staze.
Na 2 mjesta su postavljene table DANGER na vrlo opasnim nizbrdicama te apeliramo na sve vozače da se na tim mjestima spuštaju sa velikim oprezom odnosno da guraju motore niz ta brda.
Svaki vozač koji je startao utrku mora u povratku u Box vratiti karton za vozače (neovisno da li je zavšio utrku ili nije ) kako bi znali da su se svi vozači vratili sa staze . Svi vozači moraju imati mobitel kod sebe za vrijeme utrke .
Sretno svima i vidimo se u Finishu .